
  • N. Ye. Romanjuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • L. M. Romanjuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • M. O. Riabokon I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • S. S. Ryabokon I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • L. M. Mihenko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



primary health care, the epidemic of noninfectious diseases, morbidity, mortality.


Nowadays family medicine is precedence branch for development primary section of modern healthcare system. However, irrational organization of primary health care and its insufficient funding lead to loss of complexity and gradual delivery of medical care, formal approach to the implementation of prevention and dispensary work. As a result – there are high levels of late detection of severe illnesses and complications of chronic diseases, which determines excessive need for expensive inpatient treatment.

The state of health of Ukraine's population nowadays is estimated to be unsatisfactory, due to the high level of total mortality (14.7 per 1000 population) of the disease and disability that is steadily increasing.

An important feature of the current state of health at the global, regional and national levels is the epidemic of noninfectious diseases. The fulminant spread of noninfectious diseases among the population is due to demographic shifts and negative consequences that accompany socio-economic transformations, intensification of production, globalization, urbanization, unmanaged migration, etc.

The aim of the study – to analyze and to assess the scale and prevalence of noninfectious diseases, to determine the role of primary health care in combating against them.

Material and Methods. The data of sectoral statistics on morbidity and mortality of the population of Ukraine and Ternopil region are used.

Results. In Ukraine noninfectious diseases stipulate for 86 % of the global burden of disease. According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, there is a steady tendency to increase the incidence of the disease in the circulatory system.

In the morbidity structure of the population of the Ternopil region in 2016, the total mortality was 1842.2 per 1000 population, the primary – 668.5. Diseases of the circulatory system take the second place in the structure of primary morbidity (7.4 %), the first place in the structure of the prevalence of diseases (31.0 %) and the first place (66.8 %) in the structure of mortality and disability population.

Conclusions. PHC is an important part of the health care system in Ukraine, and the reforms taking place in it should provide a qualitatively new level of provision of medical services in accordance with European standards in order to improve the basic indicators of public health.


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How to Cite

Romanjuk, N. Y., Romanjuk, L. M., Riabokon, M. O., Ryabokon, S. S., & Mihenko, L. M. (2018). THE ROLE OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE PHYSICIANS IN COMBATING THE EPIDEMIC OF NONINFECTIOUS DISEASES. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2).



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