
  • B. S. Mainosh Chortkiv Central Clinical District Hospital



reflexotherapy, bioresonance diagnostic, vegetative resonance test (VRT).


The aim is to provide a brief overview of the development and transformation of reflexotherapy in bioresonance diagnosis and therapy in a district clinic; оn a concrete example, show the individual diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of the autonomic resonance test (ART), using an optimal diagnostic algorithm and a technique for selecting the frequency characteristics of information copies of homeopathic drugs.

Material and Methods. Diagnostics and therapy was performed on the hardware and software complex "IMEDIS-EXPERT". The software used by Imedi-Expert, version 6.30, the MINI-EXPERT DT machine, the MINI-EXPERT D + device, the electronic medical selector (version 25 and above), the device for adaptive bioresonance therapy "IMEDIS-BRT", conference materials and congresses.

To find effective resonance medication is for treatment, S. Haneman's idea of miasma was used, which characterizes the basic patterns of development and progression of chronic diseases. From modern positions, miasma can be imagined as a clearly determined program, on which the pathological process progressively acquires, regardless of the etiological factor. All the diversity of this program manifests itself in the specific constitutional types laid down in the pathogenesis of homeopathic remedies. All pathological oscillations found in a particular patient correspond to the suboptimal level of one or another system of organs, tissues, intercapsular and intercellular fluids, blood, lymph, cells, types of metabolism, biochemical parameters and other processes. This neoptimality characterizes and non-optimal miasms in a given specific period of time. Using such an approach through non-optimal miasms it is possible to choose the most effective drug for a specific miasmus, gradually leveling out all revealed suboptimal parameters and thereby returning the organism to the physiological norm.

Results. The positive result of the treatment of a particular patient based on diagnostic data obtained by the method of VRT, as well as the results of treatment of patients with other pathology confirm the need for wider use of the method in clinical practice.

Conclusions. The method of bioresonance diagnosis and therapy deserves more extensive use by doctors of different specialties as an express diagnostic method. Therapy with information copies of homeopathic remedies provides predictable positive results with skillful use.


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How to Cite

Mainosh, B. S. (2018). USING BIORESONANCE TECHNOLOGIES IN CONDITIONS OF REGIONAL HOSPITAL. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2).



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