
  • V. Y. Koval Uzhhorod National University
  • E. Y. Archiy Uzhhorod National University
  • S. S. Chundak Uzhhorod National University



chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, large intestine microflora, Bacillus Clausii.


The results of the study of large intestine microbiocenosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis with excretory function insufficiency are discussed in the article. 21 patients with chronic pancreatitis aged from 38 to 51 years were included to the study. Inclusions criteria were patients, whom the substitution enzyme therapy hadn’t led to complete improvement of the disease clinical course – there was a violation of the stool, namely unformed feces more than 2 times per day, flatulence. The composition of microbial flora in patients with chronic pancreatitis were evaluated before treatment and after correction of large intestine microbial composition violations to include Bacillus clausii for 10 days on the background of standard therapy – pancreatin 25000 in the minimicrosphere form during each food intake and proton pump inhibitor – omeprazole 20mg in the morning before food intake.

Violation of the large intestine microflora was observed in 95 % of the patients with chronic pancreatitis: I degree dysbiosis in 28.57 % of patients, II degree dysbiosis degree in 42.85 %, and III degree dysbiosis in 23.8 %. Inclusion in the treatment of Enterogermina forte promotes improvement of microbiocenosis of the large intestine, along with the improvement of the clinical course of the disease. The significant restoration of the intestinal microflora was observed in 71 % of patients – namely, increase in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli levels, decrease in total and with poorly expressed enzymatic properties E.coli, and Klebsiela pneumonia, Enterobacter. After treatment, the manifestations of dysbiosis were observed in 29 % of patients: 19 % had I degree dysbiosis and 10 % had II degree dysbiosis.

Conclusions. 1. Violation of large intestine microbiocenosis was accompanied with different degrees of dysbiosis in 95 % of the patients with chronic pancreatitis. 2. Inclusion of Enterogermina forte (1 vial per day for 10 days) in standard therapy leads to the improvement of the clinical course, namely normalization of the defecation, disappearance of flatulence.


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How to Cite

Koval, V. Y., Archiy, E. Y., & Chundak, S. S. (2018). USAGE OF BACILLUS CLAUSII IN CHRONIC PANCREATITIS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1).



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