primary osteoarthrosis, diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function.Abstract
The article considers modern views on the pathogenesis of primary osteoarthritis and the problem of comorbidity of primary osteoarthritis and diseases that are accompanied by a violation of the external secretion function of the pancreas. The level of activation of the proteolysis system and the system of antiprotoolithic protection has been analyzed. Researchers found that there is a deeper excitation of the excretory function of the pancreas (severe) in osteoarthritis with comorbid pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract with external secretion of the pancreas, as well as the presence of external secretion of the pancreas of the lung in the group I of patients with primary osteoarthritis. In patients with primary OA, which run in isolation or in combination with diseases that were accompanied by a violation of the external secretion function of the pancreas, a statistically significant activation of the total proteolysis by the level of the proteolytic activity of the plasma was established. Also, the analysis showed the presence of an increase in specific proteolysis, or kininogenesis, by the level of proteolytic enzymes of kallikrein. The decrease in the inactive precursor of kallikrein – prekalikrein was established. There was an elevated α1-proteinase inhibitor level, which monitors the activity of proteolysis by binding trypsin and proteolytic enzymes of endo- and exogenous origin. A decrease in the level of α2-macroglobulin has been detected, indicating the depletion of the inhibitory protection of the organism, since this indicator blocks the kininogenase action of kallicreatin and displays active porteinases of endo- and exogenous origin. Also, decreased activity of kininase-II was revealed, which indicates weakening of the protective reactions of the organism through hyperproduction of kinins.
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