proteolytic and kallikreine-kinine system of blood, discharging and dietary therapy, chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system.Abstract
The article analyzes the alternative methods of treatment for patients with chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Well-known methods of drug therapy do not always produce positive results, often causing side effects and complications of an allergic nature. In addition, a relatively limited number of studies relating to the study of mechanisms for the treatment of hunger strike on the human body, cause opponents to incorrectly interpret the nature of metabolic changes during calorie restriction diet.
The aim of the study – to learn the state of general and specific proteolysis in the pathology of the hepatobiliary system under the conditions of conventional treatment and calorie restriction diet.
Material and Methods. In this regard, the state of the proteolytic and calicreatin-kinin systems of blood in 72 patients with chronic persistent hepatitis, chronic non-stone cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the biliary tract, treated by the calorie restriction diet method and 58 patients receiving the commonly used means were studied. The course of calorie restriction diet (technique by Yu. S. Nikolaiev, 1978, P.P. Kuziv, 1993) lasted 16–25 days and provided for the abolition of medications. The generally accepted treatment was comprehensive and consistent with nosology. In the detection of concomitant diseases, correction of treatment was performed. Comparing the parameters of proteolytic and calicreatin-kinin systems of blood, the regularity of reducing their activity in the order proved: "before treatment", "after traditional treatment", "after treatment by the method of calorie restriction diet".
Conclusions: 1. Application of calorie restriction diet reduces the activity of both general and specific proteolysis. This effect is more efficient than conventional treatments. Restoration of enzyme equilibrium in the proteolytic system leads to the stabilization of the relapsing course of the diseases under consideration;
2. Conducted clinical and enzymological studies pathogenetically justify the expediency of the use of calorie restriction diet in therapeutic practice as an effective method of treatment of chronic diseases of the hepatobiliary system.
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