
  • L. S. Babinets Ternopil State Medical University by I.Ya. Gorbachevsky, Ukraine1
  • N. A. Shevchenko Odessa State Medical University, Ukraine2
  • G. М. Sasik Ternopil State Medical University by I.Ya. Gorbachevsky, Ukraine1
  • О. S. Zemlyak Ternopil State Medical University by I.Ya. Gorbachevsky, Ukraine1



chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, comorbidity, dyslipidemia, fecal α-elastase.


A chronic pancreatitis (CP) behaves to the diseases at that both secretory and incretory departments of pancreas are damaged, that on the late stages results in development of concomitant diabetes mellitus (DM), that at this pathology is studied not enough. The study of lipid exchange for patients with chronic pancreatitis is presented in this article with concomitant DM. It is well-proven, the presence of DM for certain complicated clinical motion of CP on the ball system M-ANNHEIM, that correlated with the changes of analysis of coprogram (r=0,67; р<0,001), criteria of ultrasonic research (r=0,54; р<0,01), level of haemoglobin A1C (r=0,66; р<0,001).

For the patients of CP with concomitant DM the degree of weight of disease was more expressed, than at CP without incretory insufficiency: the middle degree of weight prevailed for the 69,56% patients of 2-th group against 26,32% 1-th, the cases of the expressed and heavy degree of weight appeared. Direct reliable cross-correlation connection is educed between all atherogenic indexes of deepening of violation and age of patients and duration of motion of CP that allows to consider age and duration of CP the factors of deepening of violation of lipid exchange. For the patients of CP in combination with DM and violation of lipid exchange is set for certain more subzero index of level of sullage α-elastase by comparison to a group CP:  (157,15±7,36) against (112,86±2,98) accordingly (p<0,001), that led to deepening of violation of lipid exchange at aggravating exocrine insufficiency of pancreas of CP.


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How to Cite

Babinets, L. S., Shevchenko, N. A., Sasik G. М., & Zemlyak О. S. (2018). VIOLATION OF LIPID EXCHANGE AND FACTORS OF HER DEEPENING AT COMBINATION OF CHRONIC PANCREATITIS AND DIABETES MELLITUS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1).



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