
  • L. M. Yaremenko O. Bogomolets National Medical University, histology and embryology department, Kyiv
  • S. E. Shepelev O. Bogomolets National Medical University, histology and embryology department, Kyiv
  • O. M. Grabovоy Ukrenian National Cancer Institute, pathological anatomy department, Kyiv2




brain ischemia, tau protein, immunomodulation.


Introduction. Ischemia of the brain is accompanied by diffuse damage to the structural elements of the neurons. One of the markers, which demonstrates the functional processes in the nervous system, is a tau-protein.

The aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of tau protein expression in the sensorimotor cortex in conditions of blood supply disturbance and correction of neurodegenerative changes by immunomodulation.

Materials and methods. In the simulation of transient ischemia and correction of neurodegenerative changes with imunofan, an experiment was performed on 150 white mature male rats weighing 260-290 g. Histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical methods of investigation were used.

Results. Observations have shown that circulatory disturbances in the cerebral cortex lead to an increase in the expression of tau protein in the sensorimotor cortex. The severity of these changes depends on the degree of circulatory disturbance, indirectly confirmed by the presence of changes in the expression of tau protein in the contralateral hemisphere.

The rapid increase in the expression of tau protein in the acute phase after an ischemic attack indicates a disorganization of the cytoskeleton of nerve fibers and, to a certain extent, reflects the phenomena of autoneurotomy. The appearance of tau-protein in the pericarion of neurons can be an indicator of the severity of degenerative processes. The detection of tau-protein in the bodies of gliocytes can be regarded as the phenomena of phagocytosis of decay products.

The use of immunophane, which has a specific neuroprotective effect, has shown its ability to reduce ischemia-induced increased expression of tau protein. This can be explained by the immunoregulatory properties of this peptide (arginyl-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosyl-arginine) and its detoxification action, by blocking free-radical processes of peroxidation, by preventing damage to lymphocytes and granulocytes taking part in neurosplenics.

Conclusions. The transient impairment of the blood supply to the sensorimotor cortex of the cerebral hemispheres leads to an increase in the expression of the tau protein, which does not completely recover even 3 months after the ischemic attack. The discirculatory changes in the brain that arise from the mobilization or bandaging of the carotid artery from the side of the operation, as well as those arising in the contralateral hemisphere of the brain, lead to an insignificant, but at a certain stage, statistically significant increased expression of the tau protein.

The use of immunophane in the violation of blood supply to the brain leads to less expressive growth of expression of tau protein in the sensorimotor cortex.

Author Biography

L. M. Yaremenko, O. Bogomolets National Medical University, histology and embryology department, Kyiv



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How to Cite

Yaremenko, L. M., Shepelev, S. E., & Grabovоy O. M. (2018). TAU-PROTEIN EXPRESSION IN THE SENSORIMOTOR CORTEX IN THE MODELING OF TRANSIENT ISCHEMIA AND IMMUNOCORRECTION. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2017.v0.i4.8350



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