
  • S. M. Zlepko Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • T. A. Chernyshova Medical Center of Aviation University, Kyiv
  • S. V. Timchik Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V. Ye. Krivonosov Priazov State Technical University
  • O. S. Zlepko Vinnitsa National Medical University named after. M. I. Pirogov



circulating tumor cells, detecting tumor cells, computer analysis.


The article presents the structure and implementation of an information system for obtaining and processing microscopic images of the CPC. It is determined that identification of CPC is a complex task, which is practically inaccessible to clinical doctors due to the absence of relevant medical protocols and technological standards for the detection of CPC. The methods of isolation of the CPC are given, and the seven: the technology of separation by morphological features, the method of dividing by density gradient, using centrifugation and subsequent allocation by the OncoQuick technology of the CPC, immune-magnetic methods in which tumor cells interact with antibodies against the markers of CPP with conjugated magnetic particles, after which the cancer cells can be obtained by means of a magnetic field, and their disadvantages. The information system for obtaining and analyzing microscopic images of the CPK, which consists of 4 subsystems: venous blood filtration is developed. Receiving and preprocessing images of the CPC; the formation of images of the CPC and the "intellectual" image processing of the CPC, which, together with the patient's venous blood filtration subsystem, is the basic structural element of information technology for the determination of circulating tumor cells in human blood. The peculiarity of the developed system is the introduction into its structure of the subsystem of "intellectual" image processing of the CPC, which serves as a subsystem of maintaining decision-making and provides almost 100% conformity of the diagnosis to the actual situation, eliminating ambiguity in its interpretation. The problem solving was found, namely, the application of the information system proposed by the authors for the receipt and processing of microscopic images of the MIC for early diagnosis of oncology diseases.


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How to Cite

Zlepko, S. M., Chernyshova, T. A., Timchik, S. V., Krivonosov, V. Y., & Zlepko, O. S. (2018). INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) FOR RECEIVING AND TREATING MICROSCOPIC IMAGES OF CIRCULAR TUMOR CELLS (CTC). Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4).



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