
  • I. Yu. Khudetskyy Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, head of department, doctor of medical sciences, professor, senior researcher. Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, associate professor,candidate of technical science.
  • Yu. V. Antonova-Rafi Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, associate professor,candidate of technical science.
  • N. M. Khudetska Ukraine, Kyiv, First Medical College, teacher-methodist
  • I. V. Pushchyna Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya, National Technical University of Ukraine, Dean of the Physical Culture and Sport Management Faculty



prosthetics, limb prosthesis, CAD/CAM technology, sleeve prosthesis, stump of amputated limb.


Abstract. The design and testing of the necessary probes, which combine the ability to determine the shape and condition of the tissue of the stump, are developed. The probes have a control scale relative to the "zero" level of the stump and combined with the motion sensors. On the basis of the data obtained, the software forms a shape of the box. It provides an opportunity to carry out automated measurements, provides metrological requirements during calibration and calibration of the device. To determine the mechanical properties of fabrics, probes are equipped with pressure sensors and devices to create a specific mechanical load on the probes, which corresponds to the real load on the stump as a whole. There are several modes for measuring the mechanical properties of tissue stump.

The aim of the study was to develop a device for determining the 3-D shape and mechanical characteristics of tissues of the coil interacting with the prosthetic sleeve.

Materials and Methods. In the course of the study, materials about the most common prosthetic technologies of the limbs were analyzed. Medical, rehabilitation and ergotherapeutic problems of patients in the process of prosthetics and maintenance of prosthetics. For design, MatCad, SolidWorks and metrology sensor technology were used.

Requirements for automation of data loss and compatibility with CAD-CAM technologies were also specified. The design of the device takes into account the economic and technological capabilities of its implementation. Technology can be part of CAD / CAM technology for the manufacture of limb prostheses.

Conclusion. Developed device allows to development the shape and the state of residual limb tissues. Automated system allows take off and data collection from measure probes and transmits these data to computer for further analysis. This allows using the developed device as CAD-CAM technology element at formation of optimal ―prosthetic socket‖ of limb prosthetic.

Author Biographies

I. Yu. Khudetskyy, Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, head of department, doctor of medical sciences, professor, senior researcher. Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, associate professor,candidate of technical science.

MD, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of EO Paton National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Malevicha Street, 11, Kiev 03680, Ukraine, Head of Department  biosafety and human health Faculty of Biomedi  cal Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI them. Igor Sikorsky "

Yu. V. Antonova-Rafi, Ukraine, Kyiv, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Faculty of biomedical engineering, Biosafety and Human Health Department, associate professor,candidate of technical science.

Ph.D., Assosiate Professor of Biosafety and Human Health Department, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37, Peremohy ave., Kyiv 03056, Ukraine

N. M. Khudetska, Ukraine, Kyiv, First Medical College, teacher-methodist

First Medical College, teacher-methodist

I. V. Pushchyna, Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya, National Technical University of Ukraine, Dean of the Physical Culture and Sport Management Faculty

Dean of the Physical Culture and Sport Management Faculty


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How to Cite

Khudetskyy, I. Y., Antonova-Rafi, Y. V., Khudetska, N. M., & Pushchyna, I. V. (2018). THE DEVICE FOR RESIDUAL STUMP ASSESSMENT AT LIMB PROSTHETICS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4).



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