burnout syndrome, hospital, nurse, prevention.Abstract
SUMMARY. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the experience of nurses in the hospitals of the South Bohemia region with burnout syndrome and its prevention, by means of questionnaire survey. The high level of burnout was found in 46.7 % of nourses among all respondents. In the area of emotional exhaustion 40 % of respondents with burnout syndrome suffer, in the area of depersonalisation – 35 % of respondents and by evaluation of personal satisfaction a burnout syndrome was revealed in 65 % of nurses working in the hospital. The performed research showed that the burnout syndrome is an actual problem among the nurses in the hospitals of the South Bohemia region. Just as in every area of human health the prevention is very important, the burnout syndrome is not an exception. If our own activity will go hand in hand with the prevention provided by employer, the occurence of burnout syndrome could be decreased.
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