
  • O. P. Ilkiv I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University




hypothyroidism, testes, endotheliocytes, hemocapillaries.


In recent years there has been a trend towards a decrease in the birth rate in a number of European countries, includingUkraine. One of the factors of this indicator reducing is the weakening of the spermatogenesis activity. Endocrine disorders cause the violation of spermatogenesis in men. Results of numerous studies express that the insufficiency of thyroid hormones can lead to a violation of the spermatogenic and endocrine function of testes in adult men.

            The purpose of the study was to establish the ultrastructural features of the testicles hemocirculatory stream reorganization in rats after a strumectomy.

            Material and methods. Experiments were carried out on 18 mature white laboratory male rats with a body weight of 160-180 g. 3 animals made up a control group. Another 15 rats under ketamine anesthesia underwent a strumectomy. The material for electron microscopic examinations was collected at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after the operation according to a conventional technique. Ultrathin sections made on ultramikrotom LKB-3 (Sweden) were contrasted with 1% aqueous solution of uranyl acetate and lead citrate according to the Reynolds method and studied in an electron microscope PEM-125K.

            Results and its discussion. One day after the strumectomy, there was a decrease of the hemocapillaries throughput and a noticeable narrowing of their lumen. This was due to the swelling of endotheliocytes and especially of their nuclei, which together with a thin layer of cytoplasm and cytolemma protruded into the lumen of microvessels. As a result of this, clusters of oval deformed erythrocytes appeared in the hemocapillaries lumen.

            Three days after the strumectomy, the diameter of the hemocapillaries became, on the contrary, somewhat enlarged. In their lumen there were also uniform elements of blood, mainly erythrocytes, whose shape still remained oval-elongated. The endotheliocytes in the microvessel wall had a thickened focal cytoplasm. The cytolemma due to uneven contours formed protrusions and microvilli in the lumen of the capillaries, as well as deepening into the cytoplasm. In the peripheral parts of the cytoplasm, there were various vacuoles and pinocytosis vesicles behind the dimensions. Against this background, local thickening of the basal membrane and perivascular edema were noted.

            From the 7th to the 14th day of the experimental observation, previously revealed electron-microscopic changes in the structures of the hemocirculatory circulation continued to increase. This was confirmed by a further expansion of the lumens and a marked blood supply of microvessels. The protrusions and invaginations of cytoplasm of endotheliocytes persisted. However, the thickness of their cytoplasm, especially in the peripheral regions, somewhat decreased.

            Starting with 21 and especially up to 28 days of the experiment, the signs of hemocirculation disorders that were detected in the previous observation period continued to increase. The lumen of the hemocapillaries became noticeably enlarged and often several times over the diameter of the erythrocytes, which as a result became sharply rounded. In the walls of microvessels, endotheliocytes with cytoplasmic edema were simultaneously found, as well as cells having an electron-dense cytoplasm and pycnotic osmiophilic nuclei. In the enlarged perivascular spaces, signs of sclerotic changes were detected, which was confirmed by the presence of both collagen fibrils and whole beams.

            Conclusions. In the early period after a strumectomy, the throughput of testicular hemocapillaries decreases as a reaction to an operating trauma. In the long-term hemomicrocirculatory bed of testicles, stagnant phenomena predominate, with the simultaneous development of dystrophic changes in endotheliocytes and the proliferation of collagen structures in perivascular spaces, which may be the cause of organ ischemia with the development of its functional insufficiency.

Author Biography

O. P. Ilkiv, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



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How to Cite

Ilkiv, O. P. (2017). ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES IN RATS TESTICLES HAEMOMICROCIRCULATORY STREAM AFTER STRUMECTOMY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 1(3). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2017.v1.i3.8028



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