bicuspid aortic valve, children, congenital heart diseases prevalence, rural and urban population, inputs of migration processes.Abstract
The formation of congenital heart disease (CHD) occurs under the influence of genetic, ecological and demographic factors. Under the influence of migration processes, due to changes in intrapopulation heterozygosity, mutational pool increases, which, in turn, leads to changes in the formation of the CHD incidence including the bicuspid aortic valve (BAV).
The aim of the study was to establish the interrelations between the main parameters of populational migration and the incidence of a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) in urban and rural residents of the Zaporizhzhia region, as well as the inputs of populational migration processes to it.
Materials and Methods. based on the incidence data about the the most common CHD among the children of Zaporizhzhya region, including the BAV and data from the regional statistical office on populational migration, using correlation and regression analysis, the effect of these indicators on the BAV incidence was established.
Results and Discussion. The prevalence of intraregional and external migration among residents of the cities of the region is established with a significant increase in their BAV incidence . The largest inputs to morbidity including in comparison with other CHD’s has the number of arrival and departure persons in external migration. The influence of some migration processes on the incidence of BAV has been established, which can serve as an indirect indicator of the mutation pool in certain subpopulations of Ukraine.
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