
  • S. I. Indiaminov Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • A. E. Davranova Samarkand State Medical Institute



defects of delivery of health care, surgery, commission forensic medical examinations.


Introduction. Expert analysis of cases concerning inadequate performance by health workers of professional duties represents quite complex challenge because there is no integrated approach to carrying out different types of examinations, the uniform standard terminology concerning names of defects, the existing various treatment by experts of identical actions of medical personnel. In this regard further improvement of efficiency of the analysis of defects of delivery of health care in the specific groups differentiated on separate medical specialties is required and the question of definition of weight of the harm done to health of the patient as a result of inadequate execution by the doctor of the professional duties needs development.

Research objective. The analysis of nature of defects of rendering the surgical help with materials of the forensic medical examinations directed to the prevention of emergence of complications and failures in surgical practice.

Material and methods of a research. For achievement of a goal we have analysed 36 commission forensic medical examinations on cases of inadequate performance by medical personnel of the professional duties in treatment and prevention facilities of the Samarkand region for 2016.

Results. Failures and defects of rendering the surgical help at all stages of her rendering are analysed. It is established that the greatest number of the defects noted by commissions of experts has been allowed at a stationary stage of assistance of-13 cases (92,8%). Defects of the surgical help (57%) were most often observed. At the same time defects of diagnostics (64,3%), generally in the form of not recognition the main pathologists (55,6%), and also in the form of defects of surgical treatment (40%) prevailed; which arose generally because of the subjective reasons that has made (85,7%), in the form of defective inspection of the patient (75%).

Conclusions. The majority of DOMP of a surgical profile were allowed at a hospital stage of 92,9% in the main TsRB of 53,8%. In the outcome most of them 71,4% promoted approach of death.

Author Biographies

S. I. Indiaminov, Samarkand State Medical Institute

зав. каф. СУДОВОЇ медицини та патологічної анатомії, проф.

A. E. Davranova, Samarkand State Medical Institute

резидент-магістратури 1 курсу кафедра СУДОВОЇ медицини и патологічної анатомії саміт


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How to Cite

Indiaminov, S. I., & Davranova, A. E. (2017). SOME ASPECTS OF DEFECTS OF RENDERING THE SURGICAL HELP. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 1(3).



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