
  • L. V. Andriyuk The Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University




peripheral occlusive disease of the limbs, interval training, kinesitherapy, interval lameness, Nordic walking.


SUMMARY. The aim – to investigate the influence of physical therapy for preventing the progression of ischemia and ischemic limbs.

Materials and Methods. We used motor therapy in patients with ischemic disease of the lower limbs in the second stage of the disease. The training unit selected using the stress test, which is determined according to the localization of blockage in the arterial. Proper testing distances of initial painless interval of walk was performed using a treadmill or a pedometer, when under medical supervision measured distance in meters until the first sensation of pain in the limbs. Repeated tests of walking were performed after a month, except lameness distances that is less than 50 meters, then at 3 and 6 months. Studies have shown growth during the painless distances of disease from 25 % to 120 %. The development of optimal collateral circulation was over 3–10 months.

Results. Own intense interval training consisted of exercises performed during the stress test according to the height of vascular lesions. After a series of exercises 2–3 minutes break. A set of exercises with 4–9 series was repeated 2–3 times a day and every 1–2 months was performed new tests of the maximum number of exercises in one series. As a form of movement therapy we used Nordic walking. In this walking all 600 muscles of the body were working, overloading bearing joints was by 30 % less. Blood flow on the toes from 35 mm right and 42 mm left increased to 88 mm right and 93 mm left after 2 years. Finger-brachial index from 0.35 of the right and 0.39 left increased to 1.19 right and 1.25 left. Index lameness by 300–400 meters was increased, suggesting the effectiveness and importance of therapeutic walking in the treatment of limbs obliterating diseases.


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How to Cite

Andriyuk, L. V. (2017). EXERCISE THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF ISCHEMIC LIMBS DISEASE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2017.v0.i2.7724



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