asthma, asthma control, children, overweight, obesity, vitamin D.Abstract
Introduction: The amount of asthma incidence growing from year to year, starting in childhood, it accompanies a person throughout the whole life. Often asthma is aggravated by concomitant diseases that weaken the control of the underlying disease, because of this the life quality of patients significantly reduced.
second in frequency of asthma related diseases occupy excessive body weight (overweight) and obesity. These pathologies have common pathogenesis, part of each is the deficiency of vitamin D.
Research purpose: to study the effect of vitamin D3 serum on asthma control in children with overweight or obese.
Materials and Methods: We examined the levels of Vitamin D in the blood serum of 60 children with asthma, some of whom were overweight or obese. The control group included 30 healthy children, without any somatic pathology on the background and harmonious physical development. Everyone was performed a single set of tests
Results: It has been found that a deficiency of Vitamin D was associated with the level of asthma control and the presence of overweight or obesity burdened the state deficit and also the level of control of asthma.
Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency affects the severity of asthma especially in children who are overweight or obesity.
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