pyelonephritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oxalosis, urolithiasis, hyperoxaluria.Abstract
SUMMARY. Introduction. According to the European respiratory society guidelines, comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic pyelonephritis can be defined as respiratory oxalosis. Such pathologic state needs special therapeutic approach that is different from standard therapy, therefore convenient diagnostic methods should be developed.
The aim of the study – to check the suitability of spectroscopy as a method for early diagnosis of respiratory oxalosis.
Materials and Methods. 60 patients were examined and divided in 4 study groups. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) 2016 were used to diagnose COPD along with clinical guidelines of The European Association of Urology (EAU). IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software was used for statistical analysis.
Results. In patients with comorbid COPD (GOLD 2B, 3C), oxalic urolithiasis and pyelonephritis during spirometry forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), after salbutamol spray was increased by 4.7±1.2 %, that is 23.3 % less than in patients with COPD without renal pathology (р<0.05). Such low reversibility is a characteristic feature of respiratory oxalosis. Spectroscopy of urine and sputum of patients of the group with COPD, urolithiasis and chronic pyelonephritis in 230–250 nm high viscosity of sputum due to calcium oxalate crystals was diagnosed. Such clinical sign is a marker of respiratory oxalosis with severe therapy-resistant bronchial obstruction. ROC-curve analysis showed high diagnostic value of spectroscopy of the sputum in 230–2350 nm for patients with respiratory oxalosis (AUROC 0.993 (95 % CI 0.954- 0.999; р<0.001).
Conclusions. Spectroscopy can detect level of calcium oxalate crystals in urine and sputum in wave lengths 230– 250 nm therefore can be used for early diagnostic method of respiratory oxalosis.
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