chronic pancreatitis, screening, retinol vitamindeficiencies.Abstract
Summary. Retinol vitamindeficiencies often develops in patients with chronic pancreatitis, which is involved in redox processes, regulation of protein synthesis, promotes normal metabolic function of cellular and subcellular membranes and plays important role in the formation of bones and teeth and fat. The aim was to create a formula for predicting shortages of retinol-based set us predyktornyh factors: cholesterol, the amount of shoulder muscles, ultrasound criteria and criteria coprogram. For personalized prediction of retinol deficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis have used previous studies established factors of depth and the deficit as a representative of retinol polinutriyentnoyi manifestation of failure. These figures are available in practice to determine primary care physicians. The mathematical model predicting retinol deficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis is based on available for defining chronic pancreatitis. The formula can be used to isolate high-risk groups for reducing the occurrence of vitamin A among patients with chronic pancreatitis for timely preventive and curative measures to correct the loss of retinol, which is especially important for the level of primary health care.
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