
  • M. A. Yudin Medical Center "CA-Clinics"



interpersonal relations, disharmonious self-esteem, low self-appraisal, cosmetic patients, psychological help.


Features of interpersonal relations in patients with cosmetic problems and disharmonious and low self-apprasial self-esteem were studied in the research. The study conducted at the Medical Center "CA Clinic" (Kyiv) during 2014–2016, 204 women with cosmetic problems participated in the research. All participants were divided into groups based on criteria of self-esteem: basic group included women with disharmonious with tendency to low self-appraisah (BG, n=108), the comparison group women with harmonious type (CG, n=96). Women with disharmonious low self-esteem had higher levels of suspiciousness, subordination, dependence, and respondents with harmonious – leadership and friendliness, p<0.05. The interpersonal profile of women with disharmonious low self-esteem was characterized by suspiciousness, sensitivity, perception of the environment as unfriendly and hostile, incongruence in contacts with others, emotional dependence from others, communication difficulties, expressed a sense of discomfort in the new social environment, subordination, passivity, self-doubt, the inability to effectively defend their position, making compromise decisions despite their interests. Features of interpersonal relations in women with disharmonious self-esteem is a significant factor in personal and psychosocial maladjustment. Psychocorrection of interpersonal sphere is an important part of psychological help in patients with cosmetological problem.


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How to Cite

Yudin, M. A. (2017). INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH COSMETIC PROBLEMS AND LOW SELF-APPRAISAL. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4).



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