
  • I. O. Fedyak Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • І. І. Ivanyulyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • H. B. Mateyko Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • T. V. Tomashivska Ternopil City Municipal Children's Hospital
  • L. M. Brovinska Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases
  • T. M. Kaminska Kyev City Children’s Hospital of Infectious Diseases
  • H. S. Rozhnova Kharkiv Regional Children's Hospital of Infectious Diseases




children’s viral infections, vaccination, questioning.


The article presents the results of the survey of physicians (pediatric infectious disease specialists and pediatricians) on combating the spread in Ukraine, vaccine managed children's viral infections. Experts identifi ed the main image and fi nancial problems of the process of vaccination, assessed the current state of the pharmaceutical supply and proposed options to overcome these diseases. So, according to doctors opinion, their wide dissemination in Ukraine, accept the lack of vaccines, specifi ed parents refusal of vaccination (40 %) and the formation of the mass media negative opinions about the benefi ts of immunization (35 %). Requires raise the self-esteem of the doctor's role in forcing parents in favor of vaccination, and the role of pharmacists – ensuring the quality and availability of vaccines. The problem of availability and timeliness of evidence-based information on prevention, treatment, and opposition of the spread of children's viral infections remains, as 58 % of professionals believe that their necessiy for information implemented partially.


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How to Cite

Fedyak, I. O., Ivanyulyk І. І., Mateyko, H. B., Tomashivska, T. V., Brovinska, L. M., Kaminska, T. M., & Rozhnova, H. S. (2017). JUSTIFICATION OF OVERCOMING WAYS OF CHILDREN’S VIRAL INFECTIONS IN UKRAINE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2016.v0.i4.7091



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