ADVERSE drug REACTIONS IN PATIENTS with newly diagnosed treatment failure tuberculosis


  • R. M. Shevchenko Zaporizhian State Medical University
  • Yu. V. Prosvietov Zaporizhian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • R. M. Yasinskyi Zaporizhian State Medical University
  • А. V. Levich Zaporizhian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



tuberculosis, failure of treatment, adverse drug reactions.


SUMMARY. The aim of the study was to establish structure of adverse reactions (AR) and peculiarities of tuberculosis in patients with newly diagnosed treatment failure tuberculosis, which had adverse reactions to antituberculosis drugs of first group. To achieve the aim we analyzed 60 cases of patients. Patients were divided into 2 groups: AR (I group) – 34 patients without AR (second group), that included 26 patients. We determined the statistical significance of differences between groups using the criterion of "χ-squared", while the number of cases, that used was less than 20 we additional used Yates' correction for continuity. For quantitative – using the Student t-test. The duration of the intensive phase of treatment (including treatment for categories 1 and 2 together) in patients who have AR was more: (188.6±9.5) doses in I group in comparison with (166.2±6.1) doses in group II (p<0.05), due to its extension due to lack of conversion of sputum smear or negative radiological dynamics. 32.4 % of patients had adverse reactions with clinical manifestations, that caused the abolition of anti-tuberculosis drugs and did not disappear after administration of corrective therapy. All these led to increase of terms of treatment in the intensive phase at (22.4±3.4) doses р<0.05.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, R. M., Prosvietov, Y. V., Yasinskyi, R. M., & Levich А. V. (2016). ADVERSE drug REACTIONS IN PATIENTS with newly diagnosed treatment failure tuberculosis. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 27(3).



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