
  • O. Ya. Popadyuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • D. O. Melnyk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




ineffective treatment leads to search, study and implementation of new antimicrobial drugs to combat infection in
the wound. Today, there are increasing reports of high antibacterial effectiveness of nanoscale metal oxides, particularly
zinc oxide. Unfortunately, we do not fully understand the mechanism of action of zinc nano oxides bacterial cell. The aim
of our study was the action of nano zinc oxide in bacteria using quantum chemical calculations. Materials and methods.
For the calculation used a PM3 method for calculating the structural and energy parameters of the systems. Result.
As a result of quantum-chemical calculations proved antibacterial activity nano oxide zinc because the energetically
beneficial radical removal of oxygen from the surface of the nano oxides leads to a series of radical reactions to form
peroxides and subsequent destruction of bacteria.

KEY WORDS: nano oxide zinc, magnesium nano oxide, pathogenic flora, mechanism of action, quantum-chemical


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How to Cite

Popadyuk, O. Y., & Melnyk, D. O. (2016). JUSTIFICATION MECHANISM OF NANO METAL OXIDES ON PATHOGENIC FLORA PURULENT WOUNDS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2016.v26.i2.6249



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