
  • V. D. Mikhel Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • M. A. Diohenova Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • Yu. V. Bozhovych Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • N. M. Kindzerska Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



SUMMARY. The article provides the results of treatment with eye drops "Okuflesh" of dry eye syndrome, viral,
allergic, and bacterial conjunctivitis in 716 patients of various ages, including 24 pregnant women and 187 children
(0-14 years old). The drug was used as a monotherapy and as a part of a comprehensive treatment. "Okuflesh" was
instillated for 1-2 drops to the conjunctival cavity 5 times per day for 2 days or more until the recovery (in average
5-9 days). The results assume that "Okuflesh" does not cause local and systemic side effects in adults, pregnant women
and children, including from 0 to 1 year old, and in patients with complicated allergic history. The eye drops "Okuflesh"
contributes to more rapid disappearance of symptoms and to the reducing the treatment process of conjunctivitis,
relieves symptoms of eye fatigue and discomfort, can be applied for continued prevention and for the hygiene of the
conjunctival cavity. Patients, especially pregnant women and mothers of ill children, are more likely to safely choose eye
drops of vegetable origin than drops with antibiotics.

KEY WORDS: conjunctivitis, herbal antiseptic, Euphrasia officinalis, Okuflesh, bacterial conjunctivitis, viral
conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, treatment.


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How to Cite

Mikhel, V. D., Diohenova, M. A., Bozhovych, Y. V., & Kindzerska, N. M. (2016). TO HELP FAMILY DOCTOR: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CONJUNCTIVITIS IN ADULTS AND CHILDREN IN A POLYCLINIC PRACTICE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 26(2).



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