
  • O. P. Venher I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



SUMMARY. The study features the quality of life in 196 immigrants, 191 re-emigrants compared with 198 not
immigrants suffering from various forms of depressive disorders, using the scale of quality of life WHO QOL-26
showed low quality of life of emigrants and re-emigrants, patients with depressive disorders, especially in the field of
psychological quality of life and social quality of life and physical health. The worst performance in the psychological and
social quality of life found in the re-emigrants, which may be due to the impact of stress rehabilitation. In immigrants the
quality of life, with the exception of areas surrounding were also worse than not immigrants. The impact of emigration
and re-emigration factor was the most pronounced in patients with psychogenic depressive disorders and is less in the
presence of endogenous and organic depressive disorders.

Key words : immigrants, re-emigrants, depressive disorders, quality of life.


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How to Cite

Venher, O. P. (2016). PECULIARITIES OF LIFE QUALITY OF EMIGRANTS AND RE-EMIGRANTS WITH DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 26(2).



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