
  • A. M. Shamsiev Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Sh. A. Yusupov Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • Z. B. Kurbaniyazov Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • K. E. Rakhmanov Samarkand State Medical Institute



Summary . The Objective of the work was to find ways to optimize the diagnostic and therapeutic measures in
patients with hepatic echinococcosis in view of the morphological forms of parasitic cysts. The study is based on a study
of the results of the application of different options for surgical interventions in the treatment of 305 patients with liver
echinococcosis. All patients in the last 10 years (2005–2015) have been treated in the II Clinic of Samarkand State Medical
Postoperative complications were observed in 35 (11.5 %) patients, postoperative mortality was noted in 1 (0.3 %)
cases. Echinococcosis Relapse occurred in 17 of 236 patients observed in the long term (77.4 %).
The results of surgical treatment of hydatid cysts of the liver are largely dependent on a differentiated approach to
the choice of an adequate method of surgical treatment, taking into account morphological form cyst and the principles
aparazitarnosti and anti-parasitic.
In the late period of echinococcosis recurrence was observed in 2.9 % of patients operated on for complicated
echinococcosis, and in 4.2 % of patients who refused chemotherapy postoperatively.

Key words : еchinococcosis of the liver, morphological forms, diagnosis, treatment.


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How to Cite

Shamsiev, A. M., Yusupov, S. A., Kurbaniyazov, Z. B., & Rakhmanov, K. E. (2016). IMPROVING THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF VARIOUS MORPHOLOGICAL FORMS OF LIVER ECHINOCOCCOSIS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 25(1).



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