Immune homeostasis under menstrual cycle disorders  in women suffering from tuberculosis


  • O. V. Romaniuk Kovel Medical College
  • S. P. Polyova Kovel Medical College



SUMMARY. The research findings of immune resistance parameters in patients with menstrual irregularities,
suffering from tuberculosis are presented. It is shown that the menstrual cycle in this cohort of women undergoes
significant changes as a result of violations of non-specific effector immune defense system and immune system cell
level. It is found that patients with pulmonary TB, acquired immunodeficiency state is formed by the cell type, which
provides regulation of phagocytosis and lysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and form the anti-tuberculosis immunity. It
is shown that the menstrual cycle (MC) in a cohort of women undergoes significant violations by reducing the functional
ability of B-lymphocytes (CD20+) by 46.5 %, despite a compensatory increase in their relative amount, functional capacity
and reduction of production of major classes of immunoglobulins by 5.6 %. In women with tuberculosis, immune disorders
of humoral immune system link manifest by I, II, and III grades depending on the degree of spread of tuberculosis.
According to results of determining immuno-hormonal homeostasis it is established the trend of menstrual dysfunction
in women, depending on the form of tuberculosis injury. Patients suffering from disseminated tuberculosis, prone to
hiperpolymenorhoea against a background of absolute and relative estrogenia with MC lutein phase and complicated
par. In women suffering from fibro-cavernous tuberculosis, MC violations occur in forms of algodysmenorrhea, often
occur anovulatory cycles determined by the absolute or relative estrogenia and MC lutein phase deficit. Focal pulmonary
tuberculosis with no signs of intoxication does not contribute to the violation of MC in women. These patients usually
present lutein phase deficit, relative estrogenia.

KEY WORDS: tuberculosis, menstrual cycle, immune system, humoral immunity, diagnostics.


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How to Cite

Romaniuk, O. V., & Polyova, S. P. (2016). Immune homeostasis under menstrual cycle disorders  in women suffering from tuberculosis. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 25(1).



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