Features and spatial structure organization stomach of white laboratory rats in norm


  • O. A. Bedenyuk SHEI «Ternopil State Medical University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine»




summary. The research was conducted on 12 intact and white laboratory rats. The length, width and thickness of the stomach were measured macrometrically, before calculating its volume. For histological examination of tissue slices taken from different parts of the stomach. Morphometric study included determination: thick mucous, muscular, serous membranes and submucosa, area of epithelial cells, the diameter of nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR). The average size of the stomach in intact animals: length – (3,93±0,13) cm, width – (2,20±0,09) cm, thickness – (1,45±0,08) cm, volume of the stomach on average (6,72±0,81) cm3. The highest specifc volume covers the bottom of the stomach. The external macroscopic examination can easily distinguish whitish bottom colour of his stomach from reddish-grey body and pyloric parts. Even more clearly the bottom of the stomach can be differentiated by visual inspection of its mucosa, the mucous membrane of the bottom of the body of the stomach is separated by distinct arched line or plaited edge. While histological study of this plaited edge was established that its basis is duplikatra submucosa, which from the stomach bottom is covered by stratifed squamous epithelium, but from the side of the body side – glandular epithelium. Morphometric study of the stomach wall intact where laboratory rats revealed the following quantitative parameters of structural components. Serous membrane thickness average was (7,83±0,31) mm, muscular – (40,17±0,75) mm, submucosal – (24,00±0,78) mm and mucus – (96,00±0,97) mm. Area nuclei of smooth muscle cells (SMC) is slightly larger than the area of the nuclei of glandular epithelium, while the specifc volume of the cytoplasm in SMC is inversely lower. According to this rate, NCR in SMC is higher than in the epithelial mucosa.


Key words: rat stomach, structure, morphometry.



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How to Cite

Bedenyuk, O. A. (2016). Features and spatial structure organization stomach of white laboratory rats in norm. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 24(4). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2015.v24.i4.5800



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