Gender differences liquor system of brain in people senile age


  • T. S. Komshuk Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsy



Summary . For example morphometric study of magnetic resonance tomograms senile age persons ever
comprehensive vivo characterization liquor system of the human brain. Studied gender characteristics and interhemispheric
asymmetry of the analyzed indicators.
Analyzed seven tomograms elderly people: three men (75 years and older) and four women (75 years and older).
For the study used groups of persons, where measurements performed by magnetic resonance tomograms without
expressed pathological changes in the brain.
Object and methods. A survey was conducted in the department of radiation diagnosis of clinical institution «Rivne
Regional Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph General Electric Nealthcare «SignaMRI 1,5T» and in the office of
magnetic resonance tomography ща clinical institution «Lutsk Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph Signa Profile
Ce Medical Sistem - 1,5 Tl in standard anatomical planes (sagittal, frontal and axial). Measurements were carried out
in people without visual signs of organic lesions of the brain and skull. 7 tomograms of elderly patients (3 males and 4
females) were analyzed.
13 morphometric parameters of cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain were studied, namely the size of lateral, the
III and IV brain ventricles and the length of aqueductus cerebri in elderly persons of both sexes.
Conclusions. Discovered study of sexual dimorphism ventricular system of the brain in elderly people appears
bilateral predominance in males body length of the lateral ventricle, right increasing length of the lower horn of the
lateral ventricle of similar size in women; At the same time, women predominate width front horn of the lateral ventricles,
water supply cord length and height of the IV ventricle.
Key words : liquor system, senile age, male, female, MRI.


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How to Cite

Komshuk, T. S. (2015). Gender differences liquor system of brain in people senile age. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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