Interconnection circadian rhythm of blood pressure in overweight patients with hypertension and osteoarthritis


  • N. V. Shvets Higher state educational establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian state mediсal university»



Summary. An important factor in combination osteoarthritis and hypertension is that the first treatment of the disease in many cases leads to the progression of the other. And even in the presence of overweight hormones and cytokines, which creates adipose tissue, interacting at the level of neuronal systems, causing hyperactivation of sympathetic activity, increase in blood pressure. Daily monitoring of blood pressure – the only non-invasive method of examination, which allows you to: obtain information on levels of and fluctuations in blood pressure throughout the day.

Thus, in patients with combined flow of arterial hypertension and osteoarthritis observed a significant increase in daily average blood pressure, which may be due to several reasons. Based on the analysis of changes in daily monitoring of blood pressure found that when comorbid course of hypertension and osteoarthritis recorded significantly higher average daily value of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, increasing its variability, and all changes are progressing with increasing body mass index.

Key words: hypertension, obesity, osteoarthritis, daily monitoring of blood pressure, body mass index.


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How to Cite

Shvets, N. V. (2015). Interconnection circadian rhythm of blood pressure in overweight patients with hypertension and osteoarthritis. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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