The role of disturbances of liver biligenic function in the pathogenesis of an acute gastric ulcer and their correction by thiotriasolin


  • R. I. Tsytsiura SHEI «Ternopil State Medical University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine»



Summary. After 7 days after acute gastric simulation occurs a material breach of biliary liver function, which manifested reduced speed and bile acid excretion zhochnyh total and direct bilirubin. Application Thiotriazoline within seven days after modeling acute gastric ulcers at a dose of 9.07 milligram per kilogram of animal intraperitoneally accompanied by a pronounced hepatoprotective effect and leads to normalization of biliary liver function.

Key words: acute gastric, liver, bile, thiotriasolin.


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How to Cite

Tsytsiura, R. I. (2015). The role of disturbances of liver biligenic function in the pathogenesis of an acute gastric ulcer and their correction by thiotriasolin. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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