Morpho-functional status of the liver in patients with gout


  • S. I. Smiyan Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Gorbachevskogo
  • S. V. Danchak Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Gorbachevskogo
  • N. O. Dobrynska Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Gorbachevskogo
  • U. S. Slaba Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Gorbachevskogo
  • O. S. Mahovska Communal establishment Ternopil Regional Council "Ternopil University Hospital"



Resume. 120 patients with gout where examined to study the morpho-functional state of the liver by shear wave elastography and ultrasound in B mode. Morpho-functional liver damage ascertained in 56.7% of patients and was seen with manifested incensement of liver size, "depletion" vascular pattern, distal ultrasound attenuation and increase its rigidity. Morphometric changes in the liver in patients with gout associated with the violation of its functional state and characterized by significant (p<0.01) increase GGTP, ALT, AST and ALP, as well as the conditions of morpho-functional disorders of the liver, patients demonstrated significantly (p <0.01 ) higher levels of hyperuricemia, glucosemia, total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, LDL, VLDL, while significant (p <0.01) decreasement of HDL.

Key words: gout, liver damage.


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How to Cite

Smiyan, S. I., Danchak, S. V., Dobrynska, N. O., Slaba, U. S., & Mahovska, O. S. (2015). Morpho-functional status of the liver in patients with gout. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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