Combined treatment of dyscirculatory entsefalopathy: hirudotherapy in combination with nutriociological approaches


  • A. Y. Labinskyi Lviv National Medical University by Danylo Halytskyi



summary. In this paper we studied the effect of hirudotherapy in combination with nutriocyological correction in patients with dyscirculatory entsefalopathy. It is shown that in a complex with hirudotherapy nutriocyological correction, restores the lipid balance of tissues, normal permeability of cell membranes and vascular increase the efficiency of drug-free treatment of cerebrovascular disease.

Key words: dyscirculatory entsefalopathy, hirudotherapy, nutriociological correction.


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How to Cite

Labinskyi, A. Y. (2015). Combined treatment of dyscirculatory entsefalopathy: hirudotherapy in combination with nutriociological approaches. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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