Gender peculiarities of brain cerebrospinal fluid system in elderly persons


  • T. S. Komshuk Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi



Summary. Introduction into medical practice of new methods of neuroimaging – computer and magnetic resonance tomography, changed principles of diagnosis of brain morphological changes and opened new horizons in the study of its structure.

The aim of our study was to evaluate morphometric parameters of ventricular system of the brain on the results of MRI of elderly persons (females of 56–74 years, males 61–74 years).

Object and methods. A survey was conducted in the department of radiation diagnosis of clinical institution «Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph General Electric Nealthcare «SignaMRI 1,5T» and in the office of magnetic resonance tomography ща clinical institution «Lutsk Clinical Hospital» on computer tomograph Signa Profile Ce Medical Sistem – 1,5 Tl in standard anatomical planes (sagittal, frontal and axial).bMeasurements were carried out in people without visual signs of organic lesions of the brain and skull. 38 tomograms of elderly patients (14 males and 24 females) were analyzed.

13 morphometric parameters of cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain were studied, namely the size of lateral, the III and IV brain ventricles and the length of aqueductus cerebri in elderly persons of both sexes.

In the course of the study we determined the prevalence of size of ventricular system of the brain in males, namely the length of the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles on both sides, the length of the body of lateral ventricles on right and left parts, width of posterior horns of the lateral ventricles and the length of the lower right and left horns, anteroposterior dimensions of the lateral ventricles and the length of the III and IV ventricles.

Significant interhemispheric asymmetry with increased body width and length of the rear horn of the lateral ventricle in males, increasing of the length of the lower horn of the lateral ventricle on the right side both in male and female, increasing the anteroposterior size of the left lateral ventricle in men were observed.

It can be assumed that this age structural reorganization of the brain are caused by persistent metabolic changes that occur in the brain during the «aging».

Conclusions. Thus, there is reason to believe that presented intravital morphometric characteristic of the human brain of elderly persons and identified on this basis criteria of age brain reorganization may be of interest to experts in the field of age anatomy, neurophysiology and neurosurgery, and for specialists of MRI-diagnostic can be an anatomical standard of ventricular system of the brain.

Key words: ventricular system, elderly persons, MRI, males, females, morphometry.


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How to Cite

Komshuk, T. S. (2015). Gender peculiarities of brain cerebrospinal fluid system in elderly persons. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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