Emergensy endovideosurgery when acute diseases of organs of abdominal cavity


  • U. B. Abdullayev Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • S. I. Narzulayev Samarkand State Medical Institute
  • K. R. Tahayev Samarkand Branch of Republican Scientific Centre of Emergency Medical Aid




Summary. The basis of research included results of diagnostics and treatment by videoendoscopic interventions of 1812 patients with urgent surgical diseases of abdominal cavity and also the videolaparoscopy was done for patients with diagnostic purpose. During the carried-out researches it was established that the video laparoscopy is highly effective, safe, less traumatic way of surgical treatment. The quantity of the open laparotomies and their complications as eventration, postoperative hernias and suppurations of wounds was reduced.

Key words:


Vozmozhnosty prymenenyya tradytsyonnoy laparoskopyy y éndovydeokhyrurhycheskykh metodov v sovershenstvovanyy ékstrennoy khyrurhycheskoy pomoshchy / Aleksandrov A. Y., Fedenko V. V., Abdullaev É. H. [y dr.] // Éndoskopycheskaya khyrurhyya. – 2001. – № 2. – S.1–2.

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Vozmozhnosty laparoskopycheskoy tekhnolohyy v urhentnoy khyrurhyy / Kasumʹyan S. L., Nekrasov A. YU., Pokusaev B. A. [y dr.] // Éndoskopycheskaya khyrurhyya. – 2001. – № 2. – C. 31.



How to Cite

Abdullayev, U. B., Narzulayev, S. I., & Tahayev, K. R. (2015). Emergensy endovideosurgery when acute diseases of organs of abdominal cavity. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2015.v23.i2-3.5220



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