
  • H. M. Stepanova Cherkasy Medical College



SUMMARY. The article deals with problems of the process of polytrauma of patients of different ages. As a result of review of the literature it shows the incidence and mortality of polytrauma. It emphasized that injuries are most common among children and people of working age. In polytrauma children often seen injuries of the lower extremities and head injuries, and adults – in addition injuries of the upper extremities, chest and abdominal traumas, pelvic fractures, ruptures the bladder and cervical spine injury. Among elderly injury rate significantly lower than in younger populations, but injuries are accompanied by high mortality. In the article it shows the actuality of potytrauma problrms in connection with the conduct of combat operations. It is concluded about the importance and relevance of research of features of polytrauma of people of all ages. However, it is demonstrated that the study of biochemical processes associated with the development of traumatic disease has mainly tangential character.KEY WORDS: injury, polytrauma, traumatic disease, age distribution.


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How to Cite

Stepanova, H. M. (2015). PECULIARITIES OF THE COURSE POLYTRAUMA AT DIFFERENT AGES. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3).



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