abdominal pain, acute abdomen, pain management, prehospital stageAbstract
SUMMARY. The article presents a review of scientific and current educational medical literature on pain control in acute undifferentiated abdominal pain at the prehospital stage.
The aim – to analyze scientific articles, emergency medical care (EMC) protocols, and educational textbooks/manuals used by medical students concerning analgesia at the prehospital stage for acute undifferentiated abdominal pain.
Material and Methods. The study used the methods of information retrieval and analytical and comparative analysis. A systematic analysis was carried out using scientific information search services, textbooks and manuals related to the research topic and actively used by medical students were analyzed.
Results. Acute abdominal pain is the most common symptom of abdominal diseases and is usually a symptom of acute abdomen. This means that patients with such symptoms should receive emergency medical care (EMC) and be hospitalized. Recommendations are contradictory and antagonistic regarding the scope of EMS provision, as some textbooks and guidelines prohibit the use of any analgesics due to the potential delay in diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, numerous scientific studies and current protocols for providing emergency medical care at the prehospital stage indicate the need for medication analgesia to improve patient comfort without delaying diagnosis and treatment.
Conclusions. The observed inconsistency of recommendations on pain management in acute abdominal pain at the prehospital stage reduces the quality of EMS provision. Therefore, there is a need to unify approaches to teaching medical students on this issue.
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