chronic pancreatitis, biological age, sex, gender-age characteristicsAbstract
Summary. Knowledge of the gender-age characteristics of the course of chronic pancreatitis (CP) will make it possible to carry out rational treatment and prevention of the disease, which will prevent its irreversible consequences and complications.
The aim – to evaluate the results of the gender-age parameters of patients with chronic pancreatitis study.
Material and Methods. 341 patients with CP without exacerbation with accompanying pathology were examined. The age of the patients ranged from 21 to 78 years, which was (58.17±2.46) years on average. The examination was carried out on the basis of the Communal Non-Commercial Enterprise "Odesa Regional Clinical Medical Center" of the Odesa Regional Council and in the polyclinic department of the Ternopil Communal City Hospital No 2. The source of information was "Medical charts of an outpatient patient" (form 025/o) and "Medical charts of an inpatient patient" (form 027/o) of the patients with CP of various ages and sexes, examined during 2015-2023. The analysis of the obtained data was made using statistical methods.
Results. The analysis of groups by age showed that among young CP patients there were 31.6 % more men than women (65.8 % vs. 34.2 %). The average age of patients is (37.66±3.41) years. The difference between men and women in the average age category was 10.4% in favor of men. Average age – (59.32±4.33) years. Among older and elderly patients, women predominated over men by 20.6 % (60.3 % vs. 39.7% %). Average age – (71.34±1.45) years.
Conclusions. The established features of the gender-age characteristics of the study groups by age according to the WHO international classification require a differentiated approach to the management of patients with chronic pancreatitis, which requires further study of the clinical and pathogenetic features of age groups of patients with this disease.
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