
  • О. H. Metelska Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
  • І. R. Mysula Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine



ischemic stroke, stabilometry, stabilometric platform, TYMO (Tyromotion), rehabilitation after stroke


SUMMARY. About 100,000-110,000 strokes are registered annually in Ukraine. According to statistics, 30-40 % of patients die within the first 30 days and up to 50 % – within 1 year, 20-40 % need external help and only 10 % return to a full life. Presently, thanks to modern technology, patients experiencing the effects of trauma after ischemic stroke have more opportunities for rapid recovery than ever before.

The robotic complex TYMO (Tyromotion) is a multifunctional rehabilitation system for assessment and therapy balance which allows to achieve maximum involvement and motivation of the patient thanks to special software with a feedback system.

The aim – to study the characteristics, features of functioning and appropriateness of stabilometric platform usage among the patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke.

Material and Methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific, methodical literature and Internet resources regarding the use of stabilometric platorm for the rehabilitation of patients after ischemic stroke.

Results. The use of a robotic stabilometric platform with biological feedback is important for assessing the condition of patients and training to restore body balance, maintaining balance during the rehabilitation of ischemic stroke patients with upper extremity paresis in Ukraine, as it will provide an opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of rehabilitation and help in standardization of indicators.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis of literature and Internet resources, it can be stated that of the new non-medicinal technologies and methods of rehabilitation, which are available nowadays, stabilometry provides an opportunity to ensure the effective recovery of the patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke with paresis of the upper limb


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How to Cite

Metelska О. H., & Mysula І. R. (2024). THE USE OF STABILOMETRIC PLATFORM DURING THE REHABILITATION OF ISCHEMIC STROKE PATIENTS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 63–67.



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