
  • O. V. Kovregin National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv
  • D. V. Lytkin National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv
  • I. M. Vladimirova National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv
  • T. K. Yudkevich National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv



Chimáphila umbelláta, extract, anti-inflammatory activity


SUMMARY. Among the complex of drugs for kidney diseases, specialists prescribe medicinal products of plant origin with diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations of plant origin mainly have a mild complex effect. Phytopreparations are usually prescribed for the long-term treatment of chronic diseases, and their effectiveness in preventing the development of repeated exacerbations (recurrences) of the disease has also been revealed.

The aim – to conduct screening studies of the anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from Chimáphila umbelláta herb on the model of aseptic exudative inflammation in rats.

Material and Methods. The study was performed on 60 outbred sexually mature rats (males) kept in the vivarium of the educational and scientific training laboratory of medical and biological research of the National University of Pharmacy. Before the experiment, the animals were acclimatized for 7 days. During the acclimatization period, each animal was examined daily (behavior and general physical condition were assessed), and animals were observed for possible morbidity or mortality. Male rats weighing 160-180 g were divided into 10 groups of 6 animals each. The first group was a negative control (NC), and the remaining nine were experimental groups, with three levels of doses for each of the test samples. Each test sample was studied at doses of 0.5 ml/kg, 0.75 ml/kg and 1 ml/kg. Acute exudative inflammation was induced by subplantar injection of 0.1 ml of 1 % carrageenan solution (Sigma-Aldrch, USA) into the hind right limb in each animal.

Results. The obtained results indicate that within three hours after the induction of the inflammatory reaction in the control group, there was an increase in exudative processes in the limbs of the animals. Thus, in comparison with the initial values, the volume of edema for the first hour of foot examination was 0.65 cm3, for the second hour – 0.86 cm3, and for the third hour – 1.05 cm3.

At the third hour of observation, all test samples in all tested doses caused a moderate probable decrease in swelling. Test sample CE5 contributed to a probable reduction in edema by 14.3 %, 15.7 % and 19.2 % (at doses of 0.5 ml/kg, 0.75 ml/kg and 1 ml/kg, respectively) compared to the negative control. The greatest relative anti-inflammatory effect for 3 hours was observed against the background of the use of the CE7 test sample, under the influence of which the swelling significantly decreased by 16.2 %, 18.5 % and 22.2 %, respectively, compared to the similar control point in the NC group.

Conclusions. All tested samples demonstrated a statistically significant effect at the 3rd hour of the study. The level of pharmacological activity of at least 20 % is considered significant for the pharmacological study of anti-inflammatory agents. Therefore, based on the obtained experimental data, test samples CE7 and CE5 at a dose of 1 ml/kg can be recommended for further in-depth studies on the indicators of anti-inflammatory activity, which demonstrated an averaged anti-inflammatory activity at a sufficiently pronounced level.


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How to Cite

Kovregin, O. V., Lytkin, D. V., Vladimirova, I. M., & Yudkevich, T. K. (2024). SCREENING STUDIES OF THE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM THE CHIMÁPHILA UMBELLÁTA HERB. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 42–46.



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