physical activity, microbiome, omnivorous diet, beneficial bacteria, large intestine, fecal analysis, gut microbiomeAbstract
SUMMARY. The gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in the body’s functioning, its metabolism and homeostasis. The gut microbiome is quite sensitive to a wide range of factors, one of which is physical activity. Currently, the impact of physical activity on the gut microbiota has been little studied. There is some evidence that the large intestine microbiome changes after physical activity.
The aim – to explore the impact of physical activity on the large intestine microbiome (based on fecal analysis).
Material and Methods. Seven male volunteers aged between 24 and 36 participated in the study. These volunteers do not exercise in their daily lives and followed an omnivorous diet. The volunteers were asked to actively participate in a 21-day physical activity program, which included running and strength exercises at a gym. Before and after the study, the volunteers provided fecal samples for microbiome analysis at the DIAGEN medical laboratory in Kyiv. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of PCR test results for “MICROBIOME / METABOLISM” were conducted. The study was carried out in accordance with international bioethics standards and Ukrainian legislation.
Results. It has been found that physical activity promotes a significant increase in the overall bacterial mass. This mainly occurs due to an increase in the quantity of bacteria – representatives of the beneficial microbiota.
An increase in the number of Prevotella spp. bacteria was observed, which can be explained by increased carbohydrate consumption with increasing physical activity. Additionally, a 100-fold increase in the quantity of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii bacteria (7 times higher than normal) has been recorded. This bacterium is the most common in the intestines of healthy adults. The number of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a commensal symbiont living in the human intestine, has also increased 70-fold. The quantity of beneficial Blautia spp. bacteria has also grown.
Conclusions. Physical activity over a period of 21 days contributes changes in the large intestine microbiome (feces). The overall bacterial mass has increased primarily due to beneficial bacteria such as: Prevotella spp., Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron and Blautia spp.
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