
  • M. D. Protsailo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • I. O. Kritsky I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. G. Dzhivak I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. I. Prokopa Center for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation "Razan", Ternopil
  • O. M. Tsisar Center for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation "Razan", Ternopil
  • I. M. Horishnyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



treatment, foot, Ponseti, powerlifting


SUMMARY. Congenital clubfoot is a common malformation of the foot all over the world, which provides a high percentage of positive results at the initial stages of complex treatment.

The aim – to focus the attention of practitioners of primary care of therapeutic and surgical profiles in order to timely diagnose and adequately treat this serious ailment.

Materials and Methods. Retrospective analysis of the results of modern scientists over the past ten years, on the basis of extensive practical material, has radically changed the tactics of treating this dangerous disease. Classical methods of treating clubfoot, at this stage of modern pediatric orthopedics, are practically not used, replacing them with a less traumatic and more effective Ponseti method.

Results. An example of the classic method of treating clubfoot with a good result as a result of careful surgical and conservative treatment over a long period of time is shown. The term of our dispensary observation was 23 years. The operated left leg had a slight atrophy of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg within 2 cm. There was a slight adduction of the forefoot with its longitudinal shortening to 3 cm. The athlete obtained a medical degree in the specialty "Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy". Due to the adequate rehabilitation, the athlete achieved high performance in sports - European champion (2020) and World champion (2023) in powerlifting.

Conclusions. 1. The classical method of treatment of congenital clubfoot causes a positive result with a thorough, long-term, expensive rehabilitation after surgical treatment. 2. Perseverance, stable character, medical education of the young athlete contributed to the complete rehabilitation of the severe congenital clubfoot. 3. At the present stage of development of orthopedics, it is advisable to use the "gold standard" for the treatment of this ailment – the Ponseti method. 4. Positive success of treatment is possible only with close cooperation between the doctor, parents and the child.


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How to Cite

Protsailo, M. D., Kritsky, I. O., Dzhivak, V. G., Prokopa, V. I., Tsisar, O. M., & Horishnyi, I. M. (2024). THE COURSE OF CONGENITAL CLUBFOOT IN A POWERLIFTING ATHLETE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 158–162.



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