мікроорганізми, bacterial vaginosis, lactobacilli, dysbiosis, anaerobes, microorganismsAbstract
SUMMARY. Changes in the species composition of the vaginal microbiota lead to the development of vaginal dysbiosis, vaginitis, candidiasis and increase the possibility of infection with pathogens such as herpes virus type 2, human papillomavirus, human immunodeficiency virus, chlamydia, etc.
The aim – to evaluate the efficacy of the therapeutic effect of the live Lactobacillus casei strain IMB B-7280 in the differentiated treatment of women with vaginal dysbiosis and to study its effect on the restoration of the vaginal microbiota.
Material and Methods. The study included 95 patients of reproductive age with clinical and laboratory manifestations of vaginal dysbiosis. Accordingly, two groups were formed: the first group (30 women) – with normocenosis, the second group (65 women) – with vaginal dysbiosis.
The study examined the species composition of the vaginal microbiota in the study groups of women before and after differentiated treatment with the live Lactobacillus casei strain IMB B-7280.
Results. Analysis of the vaginal microbiota revealed a statistically significant decrease in the number of Lactobacillus sp. in the group of women with vaginal dysbiosis compared to normocenosis. After treatment, 95% of women with vaginal dysbiosis had no complaints, but 5% complained of a light white discharge. The pH of vaginal discharge before treatment in women with vaginal dysbiosis ranged from 4.3 to 5.3, with a normal range of 3.8 to 4.5. Following treatment, this was found to range from 3.8 to 4.2.
Conclusions. Complex therapy has been used to improve the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis. As a result, the species composition of the microbiota was normalised, which will further reduce the frequency of relapses and the development of antibiotic resistance.
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