
  • M. D. Protsailo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




dislocation, knee, tibia, reduction, consequences, pregnancy


SUMMARY. A rare clinical case of congenital dislocation of the bones of the right tibia in a newborn is presented.

Material and Methods. Immediately after delivery, the child was found to have a severe deformity in the right knee joint. The leg was strongly bent in the opposite direction on extension. After X-ray examination of the joint, displacement of the bones of the right lower leg to the front was found – dislocation.

Results. Under general anesthesia, a closed reduction of the dislocation was carried out, which was confirmed radiologically. The knee joint was fixed with a plaster cast in the correction position. After three weeks, the splint was removed, the axis of the leg was completely restored, the movements in the knee joint were painless and in full range. During the next 18 years of observation, there were no deviations in the child's development. The girl is active, does sports, walks in high heels, the shape and axis of the legs are normal.

Perhaps one of the main factors of this congenital pathology was disorders of pregnancy, namely ischemia of the uterine-placental complex. Mom was receiving inpatient treatment for preeclampsia, a threat of abortion.


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How to Cite

Protsailo, M. D. (2024). LONG-TERM RESULTS OF CLOSED MANAGEMENT OF CONGENITAL DISLOCATION OF THE BONES OF THE RIGHT TIBI. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 195–198. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2024.v.i1.14538



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