
  • M. Yu. Kochmar Uzhhorod National University
  • M. M. Havrylec Uzhhorod National University




sodium glutamate, thymus, immune system, morphological and histological changes, experiment, changes in blood vessels


SUMMARY. Studies have shown that even minimal doses of monosodium glutamate (SG) can have harmful effects on humans and laboratory animals, including rodents.

The aim – to study the peculiarities of changes in histological and morphometric parameters of the thymus and its vascular bed in male white rats after cancellation of long-term oral administration of SG at the rate of 30 mg/kg body weight.

Material and Methods. The experiment was conducted on 30 white nonlinear rats of reproductive age. The experimental animals were divided into two experimental groups (10 rats in each group), which received daily oral administration of SG at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight. The effect of 8 weeks of administration of SG (group I) and 2 weeks after its cancellation (group II) was studied in experimental animals. Rats of control groups (III–IV) were administered placebo (0.5 ml of drinking tap water at room temperature) for 8 weeks. Decapitation of rats of group III was performed at week 8, group IV – at week 10. Histological and morphometric changes in the thymus and its vascular bed were determined at the corresponding weeks of the experiment.

Results. The analysis of the data of morphometric analysis of the thymus in rats of group I indicates an increase in the thickness of the thymus capsule. The relative area of the thymic cortical substance was significantly thickened, while the cerebral substance of the thymus, on the contrary, tended to decrease on the 8th week of the administration of the SG. In rats of group I, the cortical-brain index significantly exceeds that of the control group. The number of thymocytes in the cortical substance of rats of group I approaches the number in rats of control groups, while in the brain substance a significant decrease was found (to 1.08±0.07 per 100 μm2). In 2 weeks after the cancellation of SG in rats of the second experimental group, a tendency to decrease the thickness of the capsule of the thymus gland was revealed. The morphometric parameters of the arteries supplying the thymus in control rats were evaluated, which we subsequently considered as normal. prolonged administration of SG at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight to male white rats leads to changes in the histological structure of the thymus and its vascular bed.

Conclusions. The administration of SG to white rats at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight for 8 weeks leads to morphological changes in the structure of the thymus (to an increase in the thickness of its capsule, an increase in the relative area of its cortical substance, as well as the cortical-brain index).

The administration of SG to rats at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight for 8 weeks leads to disorders of morphometric parameters of the vascular bed in the thymus (to an increase in the outer and inner diameter of the arteries, an increase in the area of the middle membrane and the lumen of the vessels).

Cancellation of the dietary supplement leads to minor positive changes in morphometric parameters and indicates irreversible changes in the thymus and its vascular bed after taking this dietary supplement.


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How to Cite

Kochmar, M. Y., & Havrylec, M. M. (2024). HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE THYMUS OF WHITE RATS DURING 8 WEEKS OF SODIUM GLUTAMATE EXPOSURE AND AFTER ITS CANCELLATION. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 108–113. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2024.v.i1.14532



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