myocardial dystrophy, correction, quercetin, succinic acid, sodium oxybutyrateAbstract
SUMMARY. Pathology of the cardiovascular system today is one of the main causes of mortality and disability of the population in most countries of the world. Therefore, the researches of recent years are precisely aimed at the search for effective means of preventing of irreversible necrobiotic processes in the myocardium.
The aim – to establish ultrastructural features of the protective effect of succinic acid, sodium oxybutyrate and quercetin in the simulation of myocardial dystrophy.
Material and Methods. Experiments were carried out on white laboratory inbred young rats. Modeling of myocardial damage with the development of signs of cardiovascular failure was carried out according to a known method of O. O. Markova. Correction of violations was carried out by using succinic acid, sodium oxybutyrate and quercetin.
Results. When simulating adrenaline-induced myocardiodystrophy, quite clear signs of disruption of both hemomicrocirculation and cardiomyocyte trophicity were noted already after 2 hours from the onset of the experiment. After 24 hours, expressed destructive changes in the elements of the parenchyma, which developed on the background of noticeable hemodynamic disorders in the hemomicrocirculatory channel, already came to the fore.
Corrective use of succinic acid, sodium oxybutyrate, and corvitin on the background of adrenaline-induced myocardial dystrophy prevents the development of structural damage to the myocardium in the first 2 hours and significantly reduces their development during the next day. Moreover, the positive effect was observed both in the hemomicrocirculatory channel and in the morphofunctional condition of the cardiomyocytes themselves.
Conclusions. A cardiotoxic dose of adrenaline causes dystrophic changes in cardiomyocytes, in the development of which disorders of coronary circulation play an important role and which progressively increase from 2 to 24 hours of observation after the introduction of the drug. Each of the agents used: succinic acid, sodium oxybutyrate, and quercetin has a cardioprotective effect due to a positive regulatory effect on coronary blood circulation and a corresponding reduction in the degree of myocardial hypoxia. Quercetin has more expressed angioprotective properties compared to succinic acid and sodium oxybutyrate.
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