
  • O. B. Voloshyna Odesa National Medical University
  • I. V. Balashova Odesa National Medical University
  • I. S. Lysyi Odesa National Medical University
  • O. R. Dukova Odesa National Medical University
  • O. V. Naidonova Odesa National Medical University
  • V. O. Zbitnieva Odesa National Medical University
  • V. V. Samorukova Odesa National Medical University
  • K. A. Ukrainska Odesa National Medical University




competence approach, higher medical education, competence, distance learning, intern doctors


SUMMARY. The modern educational process is undergoing significant transformations and aims to improve the quality and efficiency of education. The competency approach in post-graduate medical education is a relevant direction of training of doctors, which involves the orientation of the educational process to the formation and development of the basic competencies of a doctor, i.e., the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills, solve problems in various areas of the doctor's activity, be communicative with the patient and his environment, to be able to work in a team and analyze the results of their work and their colleagues.

The aim – the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the principles and features of the application of the competence approach in the training of medical interns in the conditions of distance learning.

Material and Methods. general scientific: review and analytical analysis of specialized scientific literature, regulatory and legal documentation, systematization, and data generalization.

There are still unresolved questions regarding the overall assessment of the set of competencies, especially regarding the holistic approach. In our opinion, attention should be paid to improving the training of the competence "Work of an expert" and its evaluation in the post-graduate education of family doctors. Seminar classes based on the scenario method allow not only to provide knowledge but also to form such competencies as teamwork, definition and encouragement of leadership, and compliance with ethical principles of work.

Conclusions. The competency approach in post-graduate education of family doctors is a relevant direction of medical education, which involves the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills, holistically solve tasks in various areas of the doctor's activity, focusing on the patient and the community. Assessment of the competencies of an intern requires improvement, taking into account the specifics of each competency, especially the "Holistic Approach" competency.


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How to Cite

Voloshyna, O. B., Balashova, I. V., Lysyi, I. S., Dukova, O. R., Naidonova, O. V., Zbitnieva, V. O., … Ukrainska, K. A. (2024). WAYS OF IMPROVING THE FORMATION OF THE COMPETENCES OF DOCTOR INTERNS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION CONDITIONS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 57–61. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2024.v.i1.14444



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