memory, short-term visual memory, attention, mental performance, adolescents, heat sensitivity, global warmingAbstract
SUMMARY. It is common knowledge that we are living in a climate crisis.
The aim – to assess the state of short-term visual memory and attention in people with different heat sensitivity.
Material and Methods. 160 adolescents were tested, who were previously divided into two groups – with high and low heat sensitivity – based on the questionnaire «Levels of heat sensitivity» (author's certificate No. 115529 dated November 1, 2022) and a thermal test. To assess the state of short-term visual memory, we used the computer program «Diagnost-1», developed under the leadership of M. V. Makarenko. The assessment of attention stability, i.e. long-term maintenance of attention on one object, was carried out according to the method of S. A. Lukomska and E. F. Rybalko.
Results. It has been shown that teenagers with high heat sensitivity, compared to low heat sensitivity, have lower indicators of memory and attention. A relationship between memory and attention indicators was established in individuals with both low and high heat sensitivity (р<0.001). High correlations were found in adolescents with low heat sensitivity between all indicators of both short-term visual memory and attention (р<0.001). Among adolescents with high heat sensitivity, high correlations were established only between: short-term memory for letters (SLM) and short-term memory for numbers (SLM) (R=0.56), SLM and stability of attention (а) (R=0.89), PAML and performance of attention (B) (R=0.80), PAML and accuracy of attention (C) (R=0.70), PAML and the integral index of attention stability (A) (R= 0.77), a and B (R=0.78), a and C (R=0.72), a and A (R=0.77), B and C (R=0.87), B and A (R=0.97), C and A (R=0.97). Average correlations were found in them between indicators: PAML and the relative number of letter memory errors (POMPAML) (R=-0.32), PAMC and a (R=0.40), PAMC and B (R= 0.38), PAMC and C (R=0.38), PAMC and A (R=0.39); and low correlations between PAML and the relative number of memory errors for digits (R=-0.11).
The obtained results will become a scientific basis for the organization of effective medical and psychological care, the creation of new methods and technologies of correctional and developmental work, which will ultimately be able to improve the process of adaptation of people with high heat sensitivity to the conditions of global warming and improve their quality of life.
Conclusions. People with high heat sensitivity have lower memory and attention scores compared to teenagers with low heat sensitivity. The relationship between memory and attention indicators in adolescents with both low and high heat sensitivity was established (р<0.001 between indicators according to the Pearson linear correlation test). High correlations were found in individuals with low heat sensitivity between all indicators of short-term visual memory and attention (р<0.001), and among adolescents with high heat sensitivity, high, medium and low correlations were established between indicators of short-term visual memory and attention
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