
  • S. O. Nesteruk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • M. S. Hnatiuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • L. V. Tatarchuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




prostate, structures, ethanol intoxication


SUMMARY. Ethanol intoxication of the body affects almost all its organs and systems.

The aim – a complex morphological study of the structures of the prostate during prolonged exposure to ethanol on the body of experimental animals.

Material and Methods. The structures of the prostate of 60 laboratory sexually mature white male rats, which were divided into 2 groups, were investigated using a complex of morphological methods. The 1 group consisted of 30 experimental intact animals, the 2 – 30 rats that were in conditions of chronic ethanol intoxication, in which the animals were injected intragastrically with a 30 % ethanol solution at the rate of 2 ml per 100 g of body weight for 28 days once per day [4]. A month after the start of the experiment, the experimental animals were euthanized by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia. Histological micropreparations were made from the prostate gland of white rats and studied optically.

Results. It was established that under the conditions of ethanol intoxication, the structure of the prostate changed significantly. Vascular disorders are noted in the gland. At the same time, the venous vessels are mostly dilated and filled with blood. The glands of the examined organ are enlarged, their wall is thinned. Glandular epitheliocytes are dystrophically, necrotically altered, there are desquamated cells and in a state of apoptosis. There was focal fibrosis of the stroma, an increase in collagen fibers, and its cellular infiltration. The muscular structures of the stroma also changed. Smooth muscle cells with vacuolization of the cytoplasm, pyknosis of the nuclei, some of them are necrobiotically altered. Hemocapillaries and venules are dilated, full of blood, with phenomena of stasis, thrombosis, foci of diapedesis hemorrhages.

Conclusions. Twentyeight-day ethanol intoxication of laboratory sexually mature white male rats leads to pronounced vascular disorders mainly of venous vessels, venous complete blood, hypoxia in the prostate, dystrophy, necrobiosis, apoptosis of glandular epitheliocytes, smooth myocytes, endotheliocytes, stromal structures, infiltration and sclerosis.


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How to Cite

Nesteruk, S. O., Hnatiuk, M. S., & Tatarchuk, L. V. (2024). FEATURES OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE PROSTATE OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS AT ETHANOL INTOXICATION. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1), 152–156. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2024.v.i1.14333



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