gunshot wound, military personnel, Armed Forces of Ukraine, rehabilitation, functioning, physical therapyAbstract
SUMMARY. The article examines the question of the practical use of physical therapy for servicemen with the consequences of gunshot wounds and the effectiveness of the physical therapy program in the conditions of medical institutions where physical rehabilitation of combatants is carried out.
The aim – highlight the problem of restoring and preserving the working capacity of persons who participated in hostilities.
Material and Methods. Analysis of materials available in open sources on physical and mental rehabilitation of combatants.
Results. Timeliness, comprehensiveness, continuity of the rehabilitation process and the fastest return of the victims to a full life are important. Carrying out rehabilitation measures for military personnel has its own characteristics, since participation in combat operations, which was accompanied by a huge physical and psychological load, generates a powerful combined stress. After providing primary medical care and specialized treatment in military hospitals, combatants need physical and psychological rehabilitation.
Conclusions. After treatment, servicemen face the problem of restoring their physical and psychological components, because a serviceman who has been wounded or mentally traumatized as a result of hostilities and has not been properly rehabilitated is not able to effectively conduct combat operations on the battlefield in the future or fully return to a peaceful life.
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