H.pylori, upper gastrointestinal disorders, GERD, chronic gastritis, erosion, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, lymphoproliferative diseases, anemia, iron, mountainous and lowland areas, TranscarpathiaAbstract
SUMMARY. An urgent problem of modern clinical medicine is the treatment of patients with lymphoproliferative diseases, which are accompanied by lesions of the gastroesophageal zone, especially against the background of treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs. Among the causes of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in adulthood, diseases of the blood from the digestive tract of the population occupy a leading place. First of all, IDA can occur as a result of long-term blood loss in erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal zone (EULGZ), viral disease (VD), gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
The aim – to reveal the specifics of clinical and metabolic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with various types of gastropathies against the background of lymphoproliferative diseases in the residents of mountainous and lowland regions of the Transcarpathian region in order to optimize diagnosis and treatment tactics.
Material and Methods. We examined 80 patients with lymphoproliferative diseases with various forms of gastroesophageal lesions. Patients with lymphoproliferative diseases were divided into 2 groups: group I included 40 patients with diffuse B-cell lymphoma (DBCL), and group II included 40 patients with myeloma disease (MD). All patients underwent general clinical examinations. Depending on the area of residence, the patients were divided into subgroups: patients of subgroup 1.1 (n=20) and 2.1 subgroup (n=20) were residents of highland areas, and patients of subgroup 1.2 (n=20) and 2.2 subgroup (n=20) were residents of lowland areas.
Results. The analysis of the obtained clinical picture and diagnostic data indicates that patients with lymphoproliferative diseases with gastroesophageal zone lesions living in lowland areas of Transcarpathia have worse clinical symptoms and results of additional examination methods in the form of FEGDS than patients from mountainous areas.
Conclusions. The lesion of the gastroesophageal zone in patients with multiple myeloma and diffuse B-cell lymphoma from lowland areas is clinically more often manifested by esophageal symptoms, while in patients from mountainous areas such symptoms are less common. The gastroesophageal zone lesion in the form of a gastroesophageal reflex was the most common in both study groups, regardless of the patient's place of residence. Patients living in the mountainous region, regardless of the underlying pathology, have better clinical picture and endoscopic findings compared to patients living in the lowland regions of Transcarpathia. Disorders of iron metabolism in the body of patients with EULGZ reflect the participation of compensatory and adaptive systems in the conditions of anemic hypoxia, sideropenia and metabolic intoxication, which should be taken into account in the pathogenetic substantiation of therapy.
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