antibiotic resistance, bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract, coccal microfloraAbstract
SUMMARY. Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) take the first place among all diseases of the population of Ukraine and are a global health care problem due to their significant prevalence among the working population, constant progression, frequent combination of various lung pathologies and burdensome impact on concomitant diseases.
The aim – analysis of the results of microbiological monitoring of antibiotic resistance of coccal microflora isolated from people with bronchopulmonary pathology.
Material and Methods. The study used data of microorganisms isolated from patients with respiratory tract pathology who were treated at the CU ENT "Pulmonology Lviv Regional Diagnostic Center" during 2022.
Results. The work revealed the leading role of streptococci and staphylococci in the etiological structure of bronchopulmonary diseases. The most common were S. pneumoniae and group B streptococci. Among the staphylococci, S. aureus, S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus prevailed. Most often, resistant bacteria were isolated to benzylpenicillin (36-39 % of streptococci and 57–76 % of staphylococci), teicoplanin (45–49 % of streptococci and 41–65 % of staphylococci), and levofloxacin (51–63 % of streptococci).
Taking into account the frequency of resistant isolates and the frequency of AMR consumption, the highest indicator of AMP (0.2–0.3) of streptococci was also before levofloxacin due to the high frequency of consumption – 0.4 and high indicators of the frequency of resistant isolates. The low AMR index of streptococci to teicoplanin (0.0004) and benzylpenicillin (0.0002–0.0003) is a consequence of the low frequency of consumption. The highest rate of AMR in hemolytic and epidermal staphylococci was also to levofloxacin (0.1) due to the high frequency of consumption of this antimicrobial drug, and to benzylpenicillin and teicoplanin this rate in staphylococci was low (0.0004-0.0005) due to the low frequency of consumption benzylpenicillin (0.0007) and teicoplanin (0.0008).
Conclusions. As a result of the analysis of microbiological monitoring of antibiotic resistance of coccal microflora isolated from people with bronchopulmonary pathology who were treated at the Pulmonology Lviv Regional Diagnostic Center in 2022, the following conclusions were made: the highest rate of AMR of streptococci was in relation to levofloxacin due to the high frequency consumption – 0.4 and high rates of the frequency of resistant isolates: 0.63 and 0.51 in S. pneumoniae and Str. Group B respectively. The low AMR index of the studied isolates to teicoplanin and benzylpenicillin is a consequence of the low frequency of consumption with high indicators of the frequency of resistance.
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